Friday, August 6, 2010

Excerpt from conversation with Tiamat

I had tweeted that I would post the transcripts of recorded conversations that I had with my guides recently...that was before I had transcribed them. Since they are more than 10 pages long in word, I've decided it best to post only excerpts. What follows is an excerpt from my recorded channeling of Tiamat 7/28/10:

"The only difference between your ego and your higher self is that your ego feels vulnerability. And it feels that vulnerability because you’re encompassed in a body that ages and that dies. And that ego senses the end. But there is no end. You may age, and you will die. Whether you age gracefully or not is up to you, but you will die. Your body will die. Your soul will live on. Because what you are physically is a small bit in comparison to what you truly are. You see yourself in the mirror and you see a being that is limited, with boundaries, with edges, with form. You see a body. You don’t see what’s truly there. You have a body solely for the purpose of being able to process sensory information. Sensory information that needs to be categorized to be understood so that you can grow. There are certain things that can only be experienced in a physical form - through multi-dimensional interaction with the physical world. That is all. Your body is there to perceive and to collect information , to collect data, to feel and to interact on a physical level. And the ego identifies with the body because the ego sees the body as itself. But this is not true. You are not your body.. You are not your ego. Your ego and your body are part of the same energy which is part of a bigger energy, which is part of everything.

"On some level, on my level, on our level, on the higher levels of understanding, everything exists all at once, there is no time, there only is what is and what was and what will be only exist in the now. There is no past - there is no future, and every experience that can be experienced is experienced in the bliss of the now. But to truly understand life to truly understand what it is to –be- you must be able to interact, you must be able to delineate between things. In the bible, Adam was to name things. There’s a reason why man names things. It is by identifying with things that we are able to interact with them. And then we gain an understanding of each thing and item and person that we come in contact with. It is folly and illusion to ever begin to believe that there’s truly a difference between each thing and each item and each person. The only thing that is true is the mirage that makes it appear that things are different because in truth they are not.

"Make your ego larger. Send it out. Bring yourself forward into the universe. Imagine that you are bigger than this room. Imagine that you are bigger than this city. Imagine that you are bigger than this state. Imagine that you are bigger than this country. Imagine that you are bigger than this continent. Imagine that you are bigger than this hemisphere. Imagine that you are bigger than this world. Imagine that you are bigger than this solar system. Imagine that you are bigger than this galaxy. Imagine that you are bigger than the universe. Ah! And there’s another boundary there. Because how can you imagine that you are bigger than all that exists? And yet I tell you, you are. Ah ha! Interesting isn’t it. They call it Panentheism I believe. That’s the word that’s rumbling around in your brain. It is true.

"The universe is a manifestation. The universe is an expression. There is a reason why one of your aspects is expression - Saraswati is the embodiment of expression. The universe is an expression of joy. And of desire. The desire to be. The energy that created this expression of the universe and everything that’s in it exists beyond that which is perceivable by any kind of senses or any kind of science. It is an energy of potential. It is an energy unbounded. And it is an energy of immutable joy. I’d like to tell you that God is love, but God is not love in so much that God would love itself. Love is a word that man created. God is. And that which we are, is. Any other words that we attach to it are simply words. Even in saying that the energy is immutable joy doesn’t do it justice.

"All that I can tell you is that when the universe was formed, it was not with a bang, it was with a laugh. And not just any laugh, it was a guffaw. A deep belly soulful laugh. And even that doesn’t do it justice. And it’s funny because Terry Pratchett, you’ve read a book by him, joked about a turtle god who manifested as a burning bush and said “Look what I can do!” Well, he wasn’t so far off. The spirit of the universe, the spirit that created the universe is evident in children. Watch them because, with pride, they hold out what they have done from the smallest of aspects, “Look, I blew a snot bubble. Look what I did!” Seems so small and yet it’s something that they did, that they may not have known that they could do. This universe is an expression of that. “Look what I can do!” The universe marvels at itself. You should marvel at yourself. Under no circumstances should you ever sit aside and say “I’m not worthy of being so big. I’m not worthy of being so powerful.” Because you are an expression of the universe. And the universe looks at you and says, “Look what I did!” Keep that in mind.

"And it’s not out of any kind of arrogance. The universe marvels at itself because it’s overjoyed with what it has made and with what it has done and with what you are. For all of your faults, for all of your foibles, for all of your trials and tribulations, you are a unique expression of an ineffable force that simply wants to admire what it has created.

"At some point in time you will understand this. And I’m hoping that that point is now. There is not one thing about you that is wrong, there is not one thing about you that is unworthy, there is not one thing about you that needs to shrink and hide away. Everything about you is divine because it was created that way. Even your faults. Even the things that you feel like you need to hide. They’re unique expressions of you. They’re what make you who you are.

"Let yourself become big. Let your ego grow. And imagine this: you and your energy is my energy. I am not just your guide, I am you. I am that which is higher than the physical and yet within it. My energy helped create the universe, so how is it that you can feel so small when you’re truly so very vast? And know also that I am only one half of a whole. That you are part of something so large and so unknowable you could lose yourself in it and have lost yourself in it and felt the bliss of just knowing you’re part of something so large. And that you are never, ever alone. When you were a child you used to imagine yourself cradled in the palm of God’s hand. And that has never changed except that you are both yourself and the palm. And that the palm is everything and that which cannot be perceived, that which is beyond the universe, that which is beyond creation."

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