
Reverend Natarajan utilizes several divination practices in order to assist others in working toward their highest good. In all divination practices, the Reverend contacts her guides as aspects of the Divine and requests information or advice on behalf of another or for all of humanity in regards to the highest possible good. These are all for fee services unless otherwise discussed with Reverend Natarajan. Contact her via email for more information:

Empathic / Auric Readings

Have you wondered if there's something about you that keeps you from getting the relationship or job that you desire? Or have you felt uncomfortable in your current job and wonder what your energy would best be suited towards? Reverend Natarajan can assist you in determining whether your energy is being put into its best possible use or if it is being unnaturally blocked or dampened. This is best accomplished in person, but can also be done over distance via video or photograph.

Oracle Deck Readings

Reverend Natarajan utilizes several oracle decks based upon the needs of the individual questioner. This is best accomplished in person, but can also be done over distance via video or photograph:
  • Kabbalah - Spiritual path oracle 
  • Archangel Michael - Life mission and protection oracle
  • Archangel Raphael - Healing and restoration oracle
  • Wisdom of the Hidden Realms - Mystic oracle

Ogham Deck Readings

Divination utilizing this oracle deck is a multilevel examination of a person's query looking at the present and also the events leading up to the present situation. Utilizing this information, this oracle provides guidance on the possible outcome and advice on overcoming obstacles toward the highest good. Because of the detail involved with this reading, these are only done via email. You will be asked to provide a current photograph, if possible, as well as your question.

Channeled Readings

During a channeled reading, Reverend Natarajan connects with her guides and the Divine in order to provide a direct connection between the petitioner and the Divine presence.The Reverend allows the Divine to speak through her in order to provide a real time conversation to aid in the realization of the highest good.

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