My Guides

About my guides:

Tiamat - My main guide and higher self. Personification of the Goddess energy. Water dragon. Mythology - Babylonian origins.
Mythology has painted Tiamat as the mother of the demons of the underworld and all other manner of crap. Here's what I know from the dragon's mouth. She is not evil. She is the personification of the divine female/goddess aspect of creation. From one became two and those two were of dual nature so that one could gaze into the eyes of the other and see their divinity reflected back upon themselves. This duality is prevalent in everything, but is most profoundly noted in the male/female duality. It is a gift so that we should have a constant reminder of our divine nature reflected back to us in the eyes of others. It is the feminine that Tiamat represents. When the world moved toward a more patriarchal view of religion and society, Tiamat and the feminine aspects of the goddess were demonized. Tiamat's overriding message is one of balance. To move forward into a new age, we must all recognize the essential natures of duality that exist and see them not only as equals, but as reflections of each other. Within both male and female there exists both the mirror and that which is reflected. In general, Tiamat comes across as wise, patient, loving, curious, and highly amused. She calls me Little One, My Child, and My Love. Sometimes all three at one time. Her energy is that of all water, but mostly she comes across as the vast and deep unknown of the ocean which is sometimes calm and sometimes turbulent.

Kali - Same energy as Tiamat, different personification. Hindu Goddess of change, transformation, and time. Mythology - Hindu origins.
Kali introduced herself to me at a time when I needed to understand why there was pain involved with some of the changes I need to make and that I have needed to make in the past. She explained how energy changes -dies and is reborn or renewed- all around me all the time and that the destruction of one form of energy frees up that energy to be renewed and reborn. If you fight change, these transformations will be painful and you will feel the loss more acutely because you are attempting to cling to the old patterns. If you embrace the change, you will transform with grace. It is Kali who places the illusion of separation and time over us and it is Kali who removes it. Her energy is surprisingly compassionate as I've spoken with her, but I know I've channeled her in the past because I've felt her energy before and because of this I also know that she can be just as turbulent as Tiamat. In the instances when I've channeled her, she has used me as a vessel to destroy an illusion that was being held by another person who was using that illusion to harm others. Words and energy, but powerful - she confirmed that I was actually channeling her in those moments. Kali is the same energy as Tiamat, only presented in a different form. Tiamat challenges me to embrace the infinite, and Kali challenges me to embrace change.

Aphrodite - Aspect of the Goddess energy. Greek Goddess of love, beauty, and sexuality. Born of the water. Mythology - Greek origins.
Aphrodite's personality bubbles into my consciousness accompanied by a strange sense of longing or allure. It's like meeting someone with a charisma so profound that you just can't seem to get close enough to them. Aphrodite's messages so far have been those encouraging beauty and love, but more than that - passion. Her messages regarding love are those of celebration, of exploration and of breaking boundaries. Aphrodite does not see lines between male and female, and she compels passion and admiration of the beauty in every person. Whenever I look in the mirror and try to convince myself that I need to just not deal with my appearance, she gently reminds me "Why not be beautiful?" which is exactly what I need to hear most of the time. Aphrodite embodies a spirit whose time has come anew. Her message reaches out to embrace all those who need only remember that they are gods and goddesses in order to see their true value. And as gods and goddesses every act of sexuality is sacred - in all it's forms - but only if it is an act that is willingly entered into, by all parties involved, upon the basis of passion and desire. Aphrodite's energy is that of the great inland seas and lakes and often comes across as glistening waves lapping a pebbled shore.

Saraswati - Aspect of the Goddess energy. Hindi Goddess of knowledge and the arts. Born of the water, consort of Brahma. Mythology - Hindu origins.
Saraswati has a very similar agenda to that of Tiamat as far as promoting balance is concerned. She is confused and dismayed by the state of ritualism and stigma that has become such a big part of religion in general. Saraswati has a no-nonsense personality. She answers questions clearly and concisely and is quick to move on to something new. Except when she becomes truly passionate about a subject in which case, she elaborates fully in what I must say are some of the most amusing rants I've ever heard. She is also completely fearless in calling me out when I've done something contrary to that which I desire. Saraswati loves music and dance. Her energy is that of rivers and streams, and can come across as both majestic and violent. Let us not forget that some of the most impressive canyons in the world were carved out by rivers.

Kuan Yin -  Aspect / Avatar of the Goddess energy. Daoist/Buddhist Goddess of Compassion. Bearer of the waters of compassion. Often associated with the lotus and with water. Mythology - Daoism, Buddhism.
Kuan Yin's energy first surrounded me when I needed to treat myself and others with compassion. I needed to forgive myself for making myself feel vulnerable and small and I needed to forgive others for hurting me. As a natural empath, I tend to be overly sensitive to the emotions of other people, and I have noticed that I feel pain when people act in a hurtful way - even if the harm isn't directed toward me. For a long time it surfaced as anger, but Kuan Yin has helped me recognize that what I am feeling is a cry for help that signifies that a person has lost contact with their divinity. When I asked Tiamat if Kuan Yin was an aspect of the Goddess energy, I received a mixed response: I was told that part of Kuan Yin is one with the Goddess energy as both immortal and mortal. Continuously mortal. Tiamat represents she who speaks, Kuan Yin represents she who hears. I was told that I have more in common with Kuan Yin than I may think. Her energy is that of the springs, ponds, waterfall pools, fountains, and small water-spaces of the world.