

Reverend Tracey Nichole Natarajan is a classically trained Lyric Coloratura Soprano. She is available to perform for hire. Email her for a list of her current repertoire. For new music requests, please provide ample time between request for hire and the performance date. She performs in the following styles:
  • Operatic Aria
  • Art Song / Mélodie / Lied
  • Musical Theater
  • Worship
  • Jazz Standard / Torch Song
  • Contemporary Popular Song

Attunement to the body as an instrument for the singer

Reverend Natarajan is available to instruct on methods to make singing a full expression of the self and the Divine for individuals or groups. By allowing song to become a vehicle for the Divine presence, the song becomes cathartic and is able to heal both singer and audience. By utilizing channeling and empathic techniques, Reverend Natarajan can assist the singer as he/she seeks to connect with the music on a higher emotional level. Email Reverend Natarajan for further information.

Recital and Lecture Series: Of Death and Dreaming (Coming in 2013):

This recital and lecture series will consist of a full solo recital by Reverend Tracey Nichole Natarajan interspersed with spiritual lecture on the role of tragedy and longing in music as a vehicle for healing. Music for this recital will include multiple genres, pieces, and composers, including, but not limited to the following:
  •  The Black Swan and Monica's Waltz from The Medium
  • Allerseelen and Morgen by Richard Strauss
  • Chi il bel sogno di Doretta from La Rondine
  • Ach ich fühl's from The Magic Flute
  • And more....

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