Sunday, August 8, 2010

Excerpts from conversation with Aphrodite

What follows is an excerpt of a channeled conversation that I had with Aphrodite on 7/28/2010:

"I’m so glad you’ve decided to talk to me. You’ve put it off for a long time. I know: somehow you are concerned about my abhorrent lack of boundaries, this is only to be understood. Humans. You’re so funny because you love boundaries. Look. Boundaries are changeable. Imagine, if you will, the edges of an inland sea. Depending upon where the moon is located, depending upon what the winds are like, depending upon whether or not there’s a drought, depending upon whether or not there’s an excess of water coming down from –say- a mountain, the edges of the sea are going to change. The boundaries are going to change. In fact, take it one step beyond that. Look at the world map, not as lovely land masses and topography, don’t look at that, look at the one with all the boundaries. Look at it now and then look at it twenty years ago, and then look at it twenty years before that. What do you see? Changes. So why is it that you fear my blurring of the lines between boundaries? You fear it because the society that you are living in does not approve of a blurring of those lines. Hmmm…well. Perhaps I am speaking with you now because the time has come for a change. It’s been so long since there’s been a nice change. It’s funny because so many years ago people would have looked into the future and seen things like gay marriage rights and transsexuals and things like that and thought that there was a huge change, but it really isn’t a change all you’ve done is apply boundaries to different groups of people.

"There should be no boundaries in passion, so long as desire is fulfilled amongst parties who are mutually interested. And consenting. Now, granted, even that is an argument in the society you live in today. But we are standing upon an interesting precipice and that precipice is this: to uninhibit the mind, you must uninhibit the body. And if you think that I’m talking only about sex, you are wrong. There are other ways in which the body can move uninhibited: through food or through dance for example. Expressions of passion need to blur boundaries; that’s what they are intended to do. Passion and desire are supposed to take you one step outside of yourself and one step into another person while at the same time remaining within yourself. There’s an interesting conundrum, isn’t it? To be in two places at once. But if you can take your body outside of the physical boundary you’ve created for yourself then you can take your mind outside of it as well. If you can take that emotion outside of it, you can take that feeling outside of it, then your mind can go and your soul can go. There will be a time when the lines will blur and there will be no shame in admiration of beauty regardless of its form. Regardless of its form. And there should be no shame in admiration of beauty. It is sad that the world has become such a closed off place. Granted, it has grown leaps and bounds from where it was, but still so many taboos. And you are thinking only that I’m talking about sex again. I think I’m starting to understand where your fear of my speaking is coming from.

"Think about soulmates for a moment. You , personally, enjoy Paulo Coehlo’s description of a soulmate, but even then his description of a soulmate was still man and woman. And your idea doesn’t quite fit that does it? No. Somewhere in the back of your mind you know that a soulmate is someone who you connect with, even if it’s just for a moment, in this life so that they can open a spiritual door for you. Whether that connection is good or bad, it doesn’t matter. Whether that connection is romantic or platonic, it doesn’t matter. Whether they are someone you meet in a taxi cab as you’re switching on your way to the airport, and they’re on their way out of the cab. Whether it’s someone you marry and spend the rest of your life with. As long as that person was brought into your life to awaken some part of your soul, that person is your soulmate. How many people have you shut out of your life because they’re young and female? Don’t argue, you know it’s true. You never got along with women, not like you do with men. Not like you do with older women. Girls your own age, there’s something about them: turns you wrong, makes you think “Oh, they’re going to judge me!” Or "They’re going to hurt me, they’re going to wound me." Do you know why that is? Because you fall a little bit in love with all of your friends. And the older women that you like, that you do get along with, you see them as your mother. Don’t’ deny it.

"Do you know why people are able to hurt you so? It’s because you fall in love with everyone you meet. Must be difficult to constantly worry that your heart will be broken. Well, the only reason it could be broken is if you believe that you’re not free to fall a little bit in love with everyone you meet. Doesn’t mean that they’re yours. Doesn’t mean that they were meant to be yours. It doesn’t mean that they were meant to be your love. It doesn’t mean that they were meant to be your lover. It does not mean that you were meant to spend your entire life with them. Friends will come and go. Lovers will come and go. Partners, husbands, wives, they’ll come and go. The only thing that is constant is your permission to love. The permission that you give yourself to love. And the only way that you can avoid having your heart broken is by giving yourself that permission without expecting anything in return.

"And yet you do expect things in return because you make yourself so tiny and you cry out for love and attention. And when it doesn’t come to you, you feel betrayed. So, give yourself permission to be big and give yourself permission to love without expecting anything in return. And when that happens, the return will be infinite in nature and in so small of ways will it manifest itself...but it will multiplied beyond that which you can imagine. Do not fear my coming forward, I will say things that people don’t want to hear. And they may seem provocative, but that’s just because people don’t understand that that which we desire and the passion that we feel for ourselves and others is supposed to step one toe over a boundary so that the ripples blur the edge of the pond."

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