Sunday, August 8, 2010

Excerpts from conversation with Saraswati

What follows are excerpts of a channeled conversation that I had with Saraswati 7/28/10 - I've slightly edited this post for language because I don't want to have to put an over 18 block on my blog and she curses juuuuust a bit:

"Look. The thing is that when you sing, when you write poetry, when you dance (even though you think you dance horribly – like a giant elephant), when you do Kung Fu, when you perform any kind of movement or outward expression of creativity at all you are embodying the creator. Ah, not just the little creator gods that exist inside of this universe. Not the minions that keep the inside of the universe going, no-no-no-no-no-no-no. As Tiamat explained to you, that which is beyond the universe is the true creator and the universe is its expression. So, when you express yourself you are embodying the ultimate creator. Why would you be ashamed of that, under any circumstance?

"If anyone feels threatened when you express yourself, it is simply because they have made themselves small. And, interestingly enough, that feeling of threat isn’t actually a threat at all. They’re not feeling threatened, they’re not feeling threatened at all. What they’re really feeling is a warning sign. A warning sign: it’s there as an alarm to go off and say “Look! That person’s connected to something that I should be connected to, why am I disconnected?” Everything in existence where flow stops: any feeling of pain, or discomfort in your body, any feeling of anxiety or fear, you know what it is? It’s not something that you’ve got draped over you that you have to throw off, no-no-no, it’s a warning sign. It’s an alarm that’s going off and it’s telling you “Look! Hey! Pay attention! Something’s f@#ked up.”

"You want to know what happens if you ignore it?

"After a little while, the alarm gets louder. And here you are, and you have all this pain in your body. It’s inflammation, because you let seven or ten different things slide on along and instead of dealing with them you let them go. Well, guess what? The alarm gets louder. The pain increases until you fix it, until you unstop the blockage of the flow of the universe that flows through you.

"The truth is that you don’t need the attention or approval of anyone because you are an expression of the divine and you express the divine into the world. It’s a blessing. Not that everyone should be grateful for it, no one should bow down or cower or really express any kind of gratitude at all. Don’t expect it. It will come, but don’t expect it. Be grateful that you were given the gift to be able to do that. And take heart in the fact that you were created to be an instrument for the divine. Not just any kind of instrument, a Stradivarius. You are the best. You are the best instrument for the divine path which was planned for you and by you. You move through life in an orchestration that was designed only for you; composed only for you.

"It’s your song. And you get to choose how to play it. You even get to choose what kind of instrument you want to play it on. Right now you kind of have chosen to play it on a beaten and battered old nasty tuba, and, if you want to move through life sounding like a dying fart, please, be my guest. It will make me sad, but it will have been your choice. But there are more beautiful things than a beat and battered old tuba. It’s not the instrument you’re intended to be. You were intended to be the crystal clarion call of the divine. The voice of the creator. Be it. Live it. You have the opportunity to choose to be that. You are the angelic voice given form. Don’t f@#k it up by choosing to be a beat and battered old tuba."

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