Ministerial Services

About Reverend Natarajan

Reverend Tracey Nichole Natarajan is an ordained Minister and Reverend with Universal Life Church Monastery who specializes in individual or small group spiritual service. She recognizes that every person has his/her own personal spiritual path to walk and works to provide spiritual aid and counsel that is tailored specifically for the needs of the individual. Reverend Natarajan values and respects all belief structures so long as adherence to those beliefs does not impinge upon the life, liberty, safety, and health of another individual (Harm None.) She also believes and teaches that all energy is part of the All God or Divine presence, and that any names or attributes ascribed to the Divine are merely facets of ourselves to which we seek a greater affinity.
She can be reached at the following email address: blinkinglotus (@) yahoo (dot) com

The following are services provided by Rev. Natarajan:

Spiritual Advice and Counsel

Do you feel like you are stuck when it comes to your spirituality? Or perhaps you want to explore your beliefs and have no idea where to begin? Do you want to learn techniques that will help you discover a deeper and more profound connection to the Divine? Rev. Natarajan can help, regardless of location, through the use of email, skype, and forum. If you would like to initiate a conversation with Rev. Natarajan for Spiritual Advice and Counsel, please email her to get started. There is no fee or energy exchange for this service.

Prayer Support

Do you or a loved one wish to be added to the daily prayers of Reverend Natarajan?  Send prayer requests to her email. There is no fee or energy exchange for this service.

Personalized Rituals and Ceremonies

Reverend Natarajan can work with you and your loved ones to create custom rituals and ceremonies for your special occasions. Because of the time commitment and materials required, there is a fee for some services. Email Rev. Natarajan for further information.
  • Weddings
  • Funerals / Life Celebrations
  • Engagement Ceremonies
  • Baptisms
  • House Blessings / Car Blessings

Energy Clearing

Reverend Natarajan provides energy clearing in the DFW, Texas area for no fee or energy exchange. Many of us hold onto energy from sources outside of ourselves: co-workers, fellow drivers, family, friends, uninvited spirits, vortexes, stressful or traumatic events, and even from over-exposure to electronics. If you or your home haven't felt quite right lately, you may benefit from a personal or home energy clearing. Contact Rev. Natarajan via email for more information or to find out if this service would benefit you.


Reverend Natarajan believes that sometimes our own energy can prevent healing or worsen illnesses. To aid others in allowing their energy to flow toward healing, she offers the following healing services (Disclaimer: these healing services should be used in conjunction with, and not in lieu of, medical advice. Energy healing is intended to assist in clearing any mind/body blockages that may be keeping energy from flowing; extraordinary advances toward physical and mental well-being are known to happen, but remember that everyone is different, and for most people, healing and learning to keep these blockages from reoccurring is an ongoing process). Email Reverend Natarajan for further information:
  • Chrysalis Empathic Healing- 

    This healing method was given to Rev. Natarajan by the Ascended Master Saint Germain. It focuses on guided meditations to enable conversation between the conscious mind, the body, and the divine. Because this is a guided process, this is a no fee no energy exchange service. This service is done either via voice recording sent through email, phone, or skype.
  • Galactic Healing-

    Reverend Natarajan is a Level I & II Galactic Healing Practitioner. Galactic Healing uses the Reverend's intent, her guides, the intent of the person to be healed, and sacred symbols to facilitate a shift in energy toward healing. This type of healing works best in person, but can be done over distance as well. Because of the time and energy involved, a love offering is requested for this service. 
  • Intuitive Hands-On Empathic Healing and Auric Healing- 

    During this type of healing, Reverend Natarajan connects with her guides and utilizes her gifts of empathy and intuition as well as the channeled advice and energy of her guides to provide hands-on energy manipulation to assist in the flow of energy toward healing. Think of this as a slightly more involved laying-on of hands. This type of healing works best in person, but can also be done over distance during an extraordinary circumstance. Due to the time and energy involved, a love offering is requested for this service

Shadow Reintegration

Reverend Natarajan teaches that acceptance and understanding of the duality inherent in all of creation is necessary to free the mind to develop a closer relationship with the Divine. The denial or vilification of ourselves and others create shadow constructs that keep us from experiencing a truly spiritual life.By reintegrating the shadow, it brings us back to the innocent state of our births where we are freed from the illusion of separation to experience the oneness of the Divine. This process may include all or none of the services that Reverend Natarajan provides. If this service is deemed necessary, it will be provided via distance or locally for no fee or energy exchange. Especially if the person involved has given up their will to the shadow construct. Email Reverend Natarajan for further information.

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