Sunday, August 8, 2010

Excerpts from conversation with Kuan Yin

What follows are excerpts of a channeled conversation that I had with Kuan Yin 7/28/10:

"You’ve been so hard upon yourself. Upon your body. Upon your soul. And upon your heart. Do not allow the love to fade so quickly, surround yourself with it. And surround yourself with compassion - for yourself. First. Yes, other people deserve your compassion as well, but, you have to start with yourself. If you cannot respect and love and find compassion for yourself then you can never truly respect, love and find compassion for others.

"You focus so often on the negative things that you choose not to see the positive. Worse than that, you choose not to see what actually –is- because even seeing the positive of things sometimes brings you into the past or into the future. Just enjoy what’s in the moment that you are in right now. And forgive yourself when you stray to the past or the future as you so often do. When you deal with problems, you’re dealing with the past. When you seek solutions, you have a tendency to jump into the future - when the solutions aren’t in the future, they‘re in the present.

"Your road will be a difficult one because while you move forward with the light of compassion and love for yourself and others, other people may shrink away from you. And they do this not because you are unworthy and not because you’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing, but because they may not be ready to look into that mirror and see themselves. They may not be ready to go towards the light. It’s interesting how close to death that awakening can be. And so, as you move forward, if you find that anyone steps back and away from you, or that they accost you or treat you uncompassionately, know this: they do not do so because of anything you have done wrong, they do so because they are not ready to see that light in themselves and it scares them.

"Though times may be tough ahead, know this: that you are always surrounded by love and that you are never alone. Think about it. You are never alone. We will never leave you, even if you told us to shut up and go away and never come back again we’re not going to leave you. We’ll stop talking to you if you don’t want to listen, but we’d never leave you and we hope you’d never ask us to. Just know this: you’re never alone. You’re always loved. And you are beautiful and worthy. You’re worthy. You are worthy of being an expression of the divine. You- with your strange freckles. You- with your glasses. You- with your curly hair. Even you while you’re overweight and inflamed and sick. You are still worthy of being an expression of God’s love and that will never change. Never."

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