Sunday, July 11, 2010

Channeled message from Tiamat

Welcome to a new existence; an existence wherein things are no longer as they seem. You are not merely a mortal, you are a child of divine light. You are all children of divine light. Only by realizing this shall you become that which will take you forever forward into the places of the Gods. Mortals are meant to become that which is divine, that which is sacred. Not because you are not so at this time, but because you believe yourselves not to be so. This is untrue. It is a perception error and is easily resolved. You are a God. You are the God. You are an aspect of the divine creator. All you have to do is open yourself to that reality. Good luck. With this power you will have greater responsibility because, once you have awakened, it will be your role to assist others as they themselves are awakened. You will become the masters; you will become the saints and the teachers. This is not optional, this awakening. It will occur for all mortal beings at some point in time. The only manner of choice that you have is how long you shall prolong your suffering before opening your mind and your heart. Open your heart to the divine within and the divine within all those you meet. Open your heart and you will become the light you are meant to be. The light you have always been, but have been unable to see for you have placed shutters upon your soul. Arise. Become. Be. Tiamat

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Phenomenal cosmic power

Imagine for a moment that you woke up one morning and discovered that you were God. You rubbed your bleary eyes and peered around the room and realized that the only things keeping you from being powerful are limitations that you placed upon yourself. What would you do? What would you do if, later that day, you found yourself staring into the rippling wake of a pool and in crept the thought that you could walk across the water if only you accepted with unwavering conviction that you could do so?

What if you were told that the pain and misery in the world is due to the fact that people have lost touch with their divinity. That we are all Gods masquerading as mortals, and all that is needed to end the suffering of others is for each of us to see this: that we are all divine and that we are all part of the divine source.

I spent most of my life feeling small and alone, making myself this way because I thought it would protect me. I now know that this caused me to begin self-destructing: my body, my mind. I realize that I was not protecting myself, and that I was not protecting others. By denying who I am I was pulling my light from the world.

I am beginning to realize now that I am not alone, and that I was never alone, and that I will never feel alone again.

Welcome to my journey.