Thursday, September 2, 2010

The fast and the expletive deleted

So, I got grumpy today due to traffic. It seems that there's only so much stupid I can take, apparently. Of course, my guides don't agree with my policy of yelling out curse words at other drivers. I received a challenge today from Kali to not look at the clock while driving to channeling class. I thought I was late and I was getting frustrated with traffic, so she simply said, "Drive friendly, pay attention to the road, do not look at the clock. You will get there on time." And I told her, WTF? It's 20 till and I'm stuck behind some guy going 30 in a 50. Of course, when you taunt the Goddess of TIME with a stupid comment, you get a snarky response and I got, "Time means nothing, and I can change it. So can you. Time only exists so that you can figure out how to layout the flow of your life. Otherwise, you should not concern yourself with it. What you need to do is pay attention to the road."

So I did.

And I got there with a few minutes to spare. Safely. Without screaming at anyone else.

Lesson learned? I suppose not since Saraswati issued the following addendum when I got home:

"It is an interesting time. A very interesting time indeed. So many changes are occurring; can you feel them? Of course, some of you can - others have their heads jammed up the ass of their cell phone. Be present! And don't just be present, it's not enough to say, "I am here." You must also actually BE here. Experience the moment you are in. Try not to label it. Try not to explain it.

"How often have you seen a beautiful flower and thought or said, "that's a beautiful flower"? Why must you say anything at all. Just marvel in it. Look at it, smell it, touch the velvet of the petals, smile. Be. Exist. Exist with the flower.

"Exist with each other. If you're driving while holding your cell phone in one hand and a coffee in the other whilst steering with your are only acknowledging your own existence. If you are coherent of the fact that you are driving a giant piece of rolling metal at break-neck speeds and that if you do not pay attention to what you are doing you could destroy the life and health of yourself and/or others, then you are acknowledging that you are connected. In that moment, you are connected. BE connected. BE present.

"There is so much anger that arises due to what happens in the car. Let yourself become aware and you will see that anger go down. It will dissipate. Yelling at the person who cut you off will resolve nothing. It may actually cause more anger and it only reinforces the anger that you are feeling. It fosters a sense of wrong-doing. Instead, be vigilant. Be submissive. Be aware. Pay attention. Let the universe flow through you and feel the flow of the universe as you allow it behind the wheel with you. Relax. Know that you do not have to rush. You do not have to hurry. Just BE.

"How do you start a revolution on the road? How do you minimize anger and pain during rush hour? Just be. Be that change that you would like to see and, eventually, others will follow."


Considering I now do about eight hours a week of driving, I suppose this is well timed. Otherwise I'd end up batshit crazy within a few weeks. I'm sharing because it's universally relevant. Hope it helps others as well.